Važna napomena: Svaka web aplikacija koju izrađujemo je 100% Vaša ! Po postavljanju, testiranju i puštanju web aplikacije - nemate više nikakvih dodatnih troškova sem onih koji su dati u prvobitnoj PONUDI koja je dogovorena. Naravno, kasnije po potrebi bilo kakve nadogradnje, neke nove ideje, UPGRADE-i, UPDATE-i se dodatno naplaćuju.
Svaki tip web aplikacija ima neku osnovnu liniju i način rada ali bez obzira na to svaka naša web aplikacija je unikatna što podrazumeva da je dizajn, radno okruženje, korisnički interfejs unikatan i prilagodjava se Vašem logotipu i željenim bojama. Način rada i funkcionisanje aplikacije takodje je jedinstveno i prilagodjeno vašim zahtevima.
Primeri aplikacija (linkovi ili Screenshot-s) su ovde samo okvirni prikaz. Vaši konkretni zahtevi definišu način rada aplikacije kao i izgled korisničkog interfejsa.
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Copywriting - Content Writing Services is not just writing texts for a website but the complete creation of texts that promote your company or a specific product. As an additional service (web design or web programming) our company can provide copywriting services, which most often include writing texts that best describe your product or service in marketing terms.
As a company, we can completely design and write content for your website or applications if the field is technology, economy, mechanical engineering, etc. The texts themselves are accompanied by thematic images harmoniously integrated. Also, designing slogans that describe your product or service in a few words. Copywriting is not just writing texts in which your product or service is "praised". It aims to give professional, quality and simple information.
Writing texts for the web requires time - from getting to know the product itself (from the technical side) and, of course, further designing the texts. Additional professional information is provided by the associate in the form of simple guidelines and details that we further elaborate and adjust in the text itself so that the content is well optimized. When writing texts for the web, there are certain rules with the aim of good optimization, highlighting important parts of the text, highlighting key words, as well as defining an organized network of links. In this way, in addition to a well-thought-out text, your website will eventually become well-positioned on well-known search engines for specific keywords.
An important item in your business is certainly the price of writing texts for the web. The prices usually depend on the topic that is being written about, because it is based on that that professional analysis is done - the complexity of the text, which profession is in question, whether the text is of an advertising or informative nature (this also determines how much text there will be) but of course, the best everything is defined by direct conversation. Also, since as a company we have designed a large number of websites for various companies, the price of writing web texts is reduced if it is complete web design or programming.
Marketing, economy |
25 eur + VAT (1 page of A4 format) |
Technology, mechanical engineering, construction |
25 eur + VAT (1 page of A4 format) |
IT sector |
30 eur + VAT (1 page of A4 format) |
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Početak rada (saradnje):
- razvijanje web aplikacije počinje tako što pošaljete što ZAHTEV sa detaljima aplikacije na email posle čega se radi NACRT APLIKACIJE u kome detaljno opisujemo način rada web aplikacije, dinamiku radova i naravno cenu koja je obično deli u više rata. Aplikacija se radi i razvija u više FAZE RADA.
Translation of technical documentation with complete graphic processing. Catalogues, Instructions, brochures.
Mechanical engineering, construction, electrical engineering.
Start your online course and start earning.