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translations, web programming, 3D modeling


Web shop from 500 eur | Start Your web shop

Start Web Shop from 500 eur.

Web shop from 500 eur | Start Your web shop

Važna napomena: Svaka web aplikacija koju izrađujemo je 100% Vaša ! Po postavljanju, testiranju i puštanju web aplikacije - nemate više nikakvih dodatnih troškova sem onih koji su dati u prvobitnoj PONUDI koja je dogovorena. Naravno, kasnije po potrebi bilo kakve nadogradnje, neke nove ideje, UPGRADE-i, UPDATE-i se dodatno naplaćuju.

Svaki tip web aplikacija ima neku osnovnu liniju i način rada ali bez obzira na to svaka naša web aplikacija je unikatna što podrazumeva da je dizajn, radno okruženje, korisnički interfejs unikatan i prilagodjava se Vašem logotipu i željenim bojama. Način rada i funkcionisanje aplikacije takodje je jedinstveno i prilagodjeno vašim zahtevima. 

Primeri aplikacija (linkovi ili Screenshot-s) su ovde samo okvirni prikaz. Vaši konkretni zahtevi definišu način rada aplikacije kao i izgled korisničkog interfejsa.

★     ★     ★

Start Web Shop package of 500 euros includes:

- Web shop of 500 euros | Start your web shop
– Fixed construction - see below the views (colors and design according to the logo)
- Web shop on your domain and hosting  - 100% Your web shop!
- Company logo, basic colors as well as design (button color, mouseover effects) according to the colors of the logo, web info page - at the request of the customer
- The web shop is in one language!
- On your domain in 24 hours!
Up to 15 categories
– Unlimited number of SUBCATEGORIES - Great for larger web shops!
Unlimited number of items
- Entry of a couple of items for testing "purchases". Further entry and filling of the database is done by you via the admin panel.
- Admin panel - for independent editing of the article database (price, picture, description). The possibility of changing the text of pages only - about us, payment, delivery, etc...
- The web shop is adapted for mobile devices!
- Optimization settings (tags, texts)
– Pop Up Window – adding a pop-up window on the home page. Great for promoting items on sale!

Start Web Shop - a good opportunity to start your own store!

Front page - sliders, promotion

Start web shop

Unlimited number of subcategories

Izlog sa artiklima

Showcase with items - unlimited number of products

blog u web shopu


product in web shop


Great for starting your small business that can quickly become a complex platform. Order a web shop with an admin panel through which you can fully edit your online offer. Order the web shop today and in a few days the set of applications will be installed on your domain and you can start data administration. Unlimited number of adding items (text, image, price), display of items on sale, display of banners that change animatedly on the Slider on the home page. Up to 10-15 categories that can always be upgraded. The Web Shop is fully adapted to mobile devices.

★     ★     ★

Početak rada (saradnje):

- razvijanje web aplikacije počinje tako što pošaljete što ZAHTEV sa detaljima aplikacije na email posle čega se radi NACRT APLIKACIJE u kome detaljno opisujemo način rada web aplikacije, dinamiku radova i naravno cenu koja je obično deli u više rata. Aplikacija se radi i razvija u više FAZE RADA.


Translation of technical documentation

Translation of technical documentation with complete graphic processing. Catalogues, Instructions, brochures.

Technical drawing services

Mechanical engineering, construction, electrical engineering.

Online courses platforms

Start your online course and start earning.

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