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translations, web programming, 3D modeling


Ecommerce Website Development | Belgrade

Ecommerce Website Development | Database | Admin panel

Ecommerce Website Development | Belgrade

Važna napomena: Svaka web aplikacija koju izrađujemo je 100% Vaša ! Po postavljanju, testiranju i puštanju web aplikacije - nemate više nikakvih dodatnih troškova sem onih koji su dati u prvobitnoj PONUDI koja je dogovorena. Naravno, kasnije po potrebi bilo kakve nadogradnje, neke nove ideje, UPGRADE-i, UPDATE-i se dodatno naplaćuju.

Svaki tip web aplikacija ima neku osnovnu liniju i način rada ali bez obzira na to svaka naša web aplikacija je unikatna što podrazumeva da je dizajn, radno okruženje, korisnički interfejs unikatan i prilagodjava se Vašem logotipu i željenim bojama. Način rada i funkcionisanje aplikacije takodje je jedinstveno i prilagodjeno vašim zahtevima. 

Primeri aplikacija (linkovi ili Screenshot-s) su ovde samo okvirni prikaz. Vaši konkretni zahtevi definišu način rada aplikacije kao i izgled korisničkog interfejsa.

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The Web Shop includes

Creating an online store allows users to market their products very quickly. Building an online store is a serious programming job to make an very user-friendly application.

- Unique design (colors according to the logo, standard construction - upper part (logo navigation), slider on the homepage that rotates banners, content and finally footer),
- The home page is edited by TEKOMS LTD in terms of content: Introductory text ...,
- INFO pages edited by the owner of the web shop via the Admin panel - about us, delivery, payment (of course, if there are any other pages, they can be easily added),
- Fixed number of categories and subcategories – TEKOMS LTD adds categories,
- Ordering is for all - no registration is required,
- The basket has a maximum capacity of 25 items (the number of orders is unlimited)
- Database with articles - unlimited number of articles in the database,
- TECOMS LTD enters a couple of items in the database with the aim of testing the purchase. Further admin of the database with articles is done by the customer,
- The purchase order arrives at the email of the company and the customer, for example in the form:


- Search for articles by article name - one Search field for searching by article name (or part of article name),
- Admin panel - for adding articles independently (name, description, picture, price, checking the ACTION option). An option can be added in the Admin panel to insert banners for the Animated Slider that rotates on the home page (great for some promotional banners). In the Admin panel, the text for fixed pages is edited - ABOUT US, DELIVERY, PAYMENT and if there is another INFO page,
- Optimization - creation of sitemap, robot.txt, indexing of links, login to google.
The web shop is in one language.



Broswer history - history of browsing articles for 24 hours.


Wish list – a special page where the user marks (bookmarks). The list holds items for 24 hours.


Advanced search - multiple fields (search by brand, price, etc.).


Independent addition of categories and subcategories (the permanent user in the Admin panel adds a category and a subcategory that he links to the category. When he inserts an article into the database, the article links to the subcategory. Navigation with categories in that case is vertical navigation where there are links to new pages where there are subcategories).


IMPORT option of the Excel file into the database. For companies that have a large number of items.


The purchase orders are inserted into the database (the company and the customer receive an e-mail informing them that they have the purchase order. Also, the email contains a generated link where, when clicked, the purchase order in A4 format opens in the browser, ready for print - printing from the browser. The company has a registered order form in the Admin panel with a link that leads to the same order form. The design of the order form according to the request. In the Admin panel, the status of DELIVERY of the goods can be set: Delivered, cancelled, in processing...
The purchase order can be set to generate a proforma invoice or invoice in PDF format.


User registration - an application for natural or legal persons where they can register (data from registration is sent to the database, and login data is sent to the user's email). After registration and receipt of login data, the customer accesses the web shop where prices with discounts are available. Through the admin panel, the company independently adds discounts for all registered users. Also, various reports can be made there - which user has the most purchases (for example, he gets STATUS: Gold customer)


Entry of articles in the database - entry of articles, text, image processing. The price is based on the number of items.


Web Shop in multiple languages ​​- Translation of the entire site into English.

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Početak rada (saradnje):

- razvijanje web aplikacije počinje tako što pošaljete što ZAHTEV sa detaljima aplikacije na email posle čega se radi NACRT APLIKACIJE u kome detaljno opisujemo način rada web aplikacije, dinamiku radova i naravno cenu koja je obično deli u više rata. Aplikacija se radi i razvija u više FAZE RADA.


Translation of technical documentation

Translation of technical documentation with complete graphic processing. Catalogues, Instructions, brochures.

Technical drawing services

Mechanical engineering, construction, electrical engineering.

Online courses platforms

Start your online course and start earning.

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